
Hey all!

Duchess is doing great! She took another poop this morning and it was much softer and HUGE so were making progress over here.

My one question for tripawd parents is; when your pet was in the early days of recovery did you notice any random panting WITHOUT exercise or walking?? Duchess has been panting but only when she picks her head up, and it comes with drooling but she’s not a drooly dog in general. And as soon as she puts her head down she stops. Could this be meds? Or constipation? That’s what the internet tells me but I wanted to hear from you guys!

Her gums are nice and pink and her tongue is relaxed when she is panting so the vet doesn’t seem concerned but I wanted first hand info if this happened to anyone else!

Day 2: still in hospital

Day 2 and duchess is doing FANTASTIC!

She is a hospital favorite. The nurses love her to bits. She is able to stand and walk almost unassisted (but they help anyways cuz that’s their job). Having trouble laying down “gracefully” so we will help with that when she comes home. She is eating well. She is still wetting the bed and they feel that it’s not medical but more of a discomfort in peeing in front of people (she has been known to be shy about that stuff even at home). Since she has been eating she hasn’t gone #2 yet but they won’t be concerned until the 48hr mark of no poops so still all good.

Tomorrow is the day! We will pick her up in the evening. She has been a champion. We haven’t seen “the wound” yet as all pictures have been covered so I asked tomorrow if they change the bandage to please send a picture so we can prepare ourselves.