Day 4 home, 6 days post op

Duchess is doing fantastic, she can do everything unassisted (we stand about 3-5ft away just in case), has been taking huge poops once a day, and yesterday started acting more herself (just a lazier version of the silly)

we took her from tramadol 3 times per day to 2 and that seems to have made a huge difference in her mood overall and the panting rarely happens now. We were told tomorrow to take her off tramadol completely & keep her on the gabapentin til we feel she’s pain free.

Working on getting those poops more regular (her normal cycle is 2-3 poops per day) but the huge ones are a good sign she’s moving along.

Bandages come off tonight & staples come out next Wednesday (15 days post op as the clinic has specific days for non surgical appointments)

will update with a picture tonight or tomorrow of the surgical site.


Hey all!

Duchess is doing great! She took another poop this morning and it was much softer and HUGE so were making progress over here.

My one question for tripawd parents is; when your pet was in the early days of recovery did you notice any random panting WITHOUT exercise or walking?? Duchess has been panting but only when she picks her head up, and it comes with drooling but she’s not a drooly dog in general. And as soon as she puts her head down she stops. Could this be meds? Or constipation? That’s what the internet tells me but I wanted to hear from you guys!

Her gums are nice and pink and her tongue is relaxed when she is panting so the vet doesn’t seem concerned but I wanted first hand info if this happened to anyone else!