Progressing nicely

Duchess has had a great week

Staples are out, a few were “twisted” so it was a bit of a bloody removal but we have a soap & luckily she’s already on antibiotics so no infection issues.

She is now able to go on short walks which she LOVES! As soon as we put her coat on that tail (or whip as we call it) was going top speed!

As I mentioned earlier this week she’s back to bringing toys over to her human friends & has a ton more energy! Not super vocal yet unless you bug her enough to get some backsass. Otherwise I really see my girl back in action!

We are going to start working on her with stairs slowly, going up is no problem but she is hesitant to go down more than 2 steps as she wants to jump them rather than take them 1 by 1. Which at our home we have a set of 7 and 9 so jumping is not an option. Slowly but surely we’ll get her confidence up, as we know she can do it she’s just gotta trust herself more!


Thank you to everyone who’s given support and suggestions through these couple of weeks of recovery! Little tips here and there have helped me with my decisions & any anxieties I’ve had.

One thought on “Progressing nicely”

  1. So glad she is doing well. I used to stand in front of mysweetted to prevent him from doing exactly that on the stairs. A hand on the front of his chest while blocking him seemed to work. Enjoy her joy!

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